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...or could it have been WHAT you asked me...
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Friday, September 19, 2003
Ahem... *dusts off cobwebs* - not too much activity on the CRACK blog lately, so I have a quicky to add for you crackheads out here -->

I'm reading this article at TIME.com just now and in it they say, "The rest comes from lost or stolen items (shrinkage, in the parlance), particularly stuff like Gillette's Mach 3 razor blades and Duracell batteries — possibly the two most frequently stolen items in the world. (If you doubt it, look at all the Mach 3 blades selling on eBay, says Ashton.)".

So, out of curiosity I did this search at eBay to see if people really were selling Mach 3 razor blades online... sure 'nuff, there are crackheads abounding with the hair removal utensils.

At first I thought that these were for sell on eBay because there would be ppl who owned, say, a convenience store who wanted to get some fell-off-the-back-of-the-truck Mach 3 razor blades at a reduced price so that they could them resell them at their store for the full market value. However, after having a conversation with a vriend van me, I soon learn that most d00dz go through between 1 and 2 blades per week... after talking with a few more vrienden I'm convinced of this fact since they all agree that they go through 1-2 blades/week. So, it kinda makes sense that ppl would want to get those things cheap since they cost so much...

Now, I've lived with my share of d00dz over the years, and in all of those years I've never noticed that I was the only crackhead who thought you were supposed to use the same blade until the little fuqer got so dull that you ended up pealing a layer of skin off each time you shave. I don't know why the hell I've never realized that it's OK to change blades a tad more often - in fact, I spoke with my pops a little bit ago and asked him if HE was a razor conservationist like me.... he was all, "what the hell are you talking about... why the hell would I use a dull blade??". I was kinda bitter, cuz, you know, your pops is supposed to impart certain knowledge to you as a son... important shtuff like V8 engines, the birds and the bees, and how to fuqing shave properly (against the grain / with it / not to use the same blade for two months / etc...).

Anyhow, I plan on affixing a lovely new blade to my razor tomorrow morning, and, from this point forth, I will actually abide by the insructions on the blad that tell you to "replace the blade once the wear indicator has worn out".

I hate it when I'm the crackhead.

<-- spliff

Posted by Travis @ 3:02:00 PM -- (0) comments

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