 Just callin' it it as we see it
...could it have been HOW you asked me...
...or could it have been WHAT you asked me...
...maybe it's WHEN you asked me...
all i know is that YOU'RE ON FUCKIN' CRACK...

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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
 We've got Bush... we HAVE BUSH" - Booger
For those of you who can legally do it, I highly recommend giving $100 USD to Dean for America. He looks to have the most potential for ousting El Tornado from the Oficina de Oval.... even if you're an Independant (like moi! :)) this is something we've got to do - anything to get rid of Crazyhorse, even if it means putting a democrat in office. :)

On another note... check this [pdf] crazy shit out. Notice how the fatality ratio increases as you approach the dirty south - Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, George, Kentucky, Louisianna, New Mexico, and both Carolinas have fatality rates nearly twice the rate of what it is in CA. Somehow I'm not surprised.

BTW, I'm watching BBC1 today and they have this commercial come on where Don King is going off on some football club owners, and how they need to have matches called the "Rumblin' in Dublin" and how they've gotta instate rematches and such... he's just goin off how only Don King can... when allasudden they pause Don mid-sentence and simply print, "We don't need no Don". I wish you guys could see this commercial, I was fuqin rollin'.

See ya laterz alligatorz.


Posted by Travis @ 6:37:00 PM --

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