...could it have been HOW you asked me...
...or could it have been WHAT you asked me...
...maybe it's WHEN you asked me...
all i know is that YOU'RE ON FUCKIN' CRACK...
1. A heavy user of cocaine
2. Dumbasses who mistake the famous cricket player Payagala Udawattage Manoj Chanaka with the Jewish festival Chanukah
TheDVeight: LOL what's Chanaka?
JiminySpliff: lol
TheDVeight: Sounds like some anime charecter
JiminySpliff: for a smart motherfuqer, u make me wonder sometimes :)
TheDVeight: Did you mean Chanukah?
JiminySpliff: Chanaka is another way of spelling Hannakah
JiminySpliff: Chanuka is another way to spell methinks
TheDVeight: What's Hannakah?
JiminySpliff: Hannukah?
TheDVeight: LOL ROFL
TheDVeight: Some jew you are:-P
JiminySpliff: lol
JiminySpliff: damn..
TheDVeight: Hanukkah
JiminySpliff: it's Chanukah :)
JiminySpliff: lol
JiminySpliff: <-- genius
TheDVeight: lol
TheDVeight: so what were you saying about texans?
JiminySpliff: lol
JiminySpliff: it's the dutch, i swear!
TheDVeight: Clearly y'all can't spell worth a damn
JiminySpliff: being around these phonetic spelling bastards has scarred me permanently
TheDVeight: hahha
Many thanks to the Deviant One, without whom I could very well have gone on confusing Indian cricket players with Jewish holidays for time immemorial.