Saturday, January 10, 2004 |
Fucking Republicans... |
...can all kiss my liberal ass. I just got done reading "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right" by that deranged fascist bitch Ann Coulter - I and I can only pray to Haile that no one takes that 400 pages of complete bullshit seriously. I'm about half-way through Al Franken's "Lies...", and I'm finding that to be a much more honest look at current politics - whereas Ann Coulter continously relies upon partial quotes taken out of context to make her misguided points, Mr. Franken bases his arguments on much more solid ground. In fact, there's a website whose sole purpose is to debunk Franken's book - unfortunately for the authors of that site, they have a hard time understanding the literary tool of irony (the true meaning of which, most people are strangely incapable of grasping) and as such merely make themelves look inept in the process.
Check out the following transcript of a Joe Trippy (Howard Dean's campaign manager) interview by the "liberal" CNN reporter, Paula Zahn a couple days ago:
PAULA ZAHN: Final question for you, sir. Your candidate, governor dean, has made several references to -- about president bush having alleged advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks from the saudis. Should someone who wants to be president be trading on rumors?
JOE TRIPPI: That's not what the governor said at all. In fact, you're trading on rumors when you keep saying that.
PAULA ZAHN: I haven't said it yet. I'm just repeating --
JOE TRIPPI: Yeah, you're repeating the rumor. Yeah, what happened was the governor said that when the president and the administration mislead people and the war, the American people start asking questions, there's these rumors out there, and we need to talk about them to shut them down because he didn't believe it. And he said that on the air in the interview.
PAULA ZAHN: But there was another interview on npr that has gotten a lot of attention. He basically said, you know, whether this can be proven or not, he suggested that the president had had advance knowledge of what might have fallen on 9/11.
JOE TRIPPI: No. The governor said he didn't believe that, and it was part of the problem. We have this right now with black box voting. You'll find across the country that there are people all over this nation who believe these paperless computer voting machines are a way that the bush administration will steal the election. Okay, what's not important here is whether that's a rumor or not. What's important here is that we shut that down, that we prove to people that there's no way that anybody -- that these paperless machines are going to rob people of their vote. Repeating that is not repeating that you believe it. I don't necessarily believe that those machines do that or not. But if we're going to have a democracy, we have to say so and air it out.
PAULA ZAHN: Let me just repeat exactly what came off the transcript of the npr radio show, and this is governor dean's remark, "the most interesting theory that i have heard so far, he responded, "is that he was warned ahead of time by the saudis."
JOE TRIPPI: And then can you keep reading, please?
PAULA ZAHN: Well, could go on for the next five minutes from the interview. And you're saying he didn't say that, I got it right here.
JOE TRIPPI: No, no, no, I said if you keep reading, he'll say he didn't believe that.
PAULA ZAHN: There is a point at which, but you were denying what he suggested.
JOE TRIPPI: You're forgetting that part, paula.
PAULA ZAHN: I'm not forgetting it. I just wanted to clarify that he had, in fact, repeated something and he did say later on...
JOE TRIPPI: Keep reading the interview, and we'll get to the part where he says he did not believe it.
PAULA ZAHN: No, I am not denying that, but i wanted to challenge your point...
JOE TRIPPI: That's not how you started the interview.
PAULA ZAHN: I think our audience has a pretty good sense now of what was said and what wasn't said. Joe trippi, thank you for your time.
Hrm.. if CNN is so liberal, why is it that one of their reporters intentionally quots Howard Dean out of context in a pre-meditated effort to paint him as someone whose criticism of Bush is based on nothing better than rumors? Besides the fact that they're obvious crackheads, the real reason is because they're not a liberal media outlet - they're classic conservatives, just like the rest of the mass media outlets. The reason that we regular folk seem to think that they're liberal goes back to the old idea that if you repeat a lie often enough it will eventually become accepted as truth - recent real-life examples of this concept are "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction", "Iraq funded Al-Quaida", "The war with Iraq is officially over", "... the liberal media..." (this one is only valid when said by a conservative, of course), "If the stock market is doing well then the economy as a whole is healthy" - you see what I mean? Those are all obvious lies if we apply simple logic to the statements, but we hear them repeated so often that we've come to accept them as truths... well some of us have. :)
Don't let those crackhead fucks make your decisions for you, my friends - keep an ear and an eye out for tricks like the shit that Paula Zahn pulled above! The conservatives are vastly outnumbered in America (look at independent polls just about anywhere), and they know their day of reckoning is looming so they are becoming more and more desperate in their throws of rejection as November grows nearer. Considering that the 2002 congressional gerrymandering was one of the last cards the Republicans had to play, I think we should all expect to see the Republicans trying everything they can to ensure that the public's attention for the next 10 months is spent not on the problems at hand, but rather on the now-common flag-waving sensationalist heresay of liberal deception and military weakness that tends to touch your average person on a more primal level.
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Travis @
9:43:00 AM --