Tuesday, January 06, 2004 |
Who's on Crack? The City of berkeley is on CRACK!!! |
Okay just a warning this is a Marc-is-really-fuqing-pissed-off-and-he's-going-to-rant-about-the-injustices-of-the-system-post.
So last month I got a "parking ticket" (make that 2), in berkeley (I use the lower case "b" on purpose), while the S2k was parked on the street. I look at the tickets and none of the normal "Handicap zone, blocking a drive way, expired meter, loading zone, etc" checkboxes were checked. Instead, the fuqing meter maid scribbled something under all the options under “other” citing me for an expired registration and no front license plate. The reg ticket was BS to begin with because I had mailed my payment in and I hadn't gotten my tags yet because I was charged a late fee (and when I went in to pay the late fee I was informed I had a refund due, why the fuq didn't they just take the late fee out of the $400 refund!?)
Ok whatever they're fix-its right? I look at the tickets and it says I have 30 days to pay them. So in consistent Marc-style, I wait until day 28 to track down a cop and have him sign off the tickets. Monday I call them up to see what the best way to pay the $2 is for each ticket since they've been corrected. She tells me the correctable period is only 14 days! and points me to a sentence buried in a page of dense 7 pt light gray on yellow text on the back side. Now I owe 56$ for one ticket and 24$ for the other... great, there goes my $30 refund check I mailed in for my contacts...
I go online pay the damn fines, put in my digitz and it says "error... connection timed out, please resubmit the payment". So being the good little button clicker that I am, I hit the submit button again thinking "God it would suck if I got double charged again(but I won't go into that here)". Anyway it takes my payment... End of story right?
Yep, you guessed it fellow crackheads. I log onto my bank summary this morning and it shows 2 charges for $80 by the city of Inglewood. Ok whoa whoa whoa.. back up rewind... aohw aohw aohw kO ... INGLEWOOD?! Since when is the fucking City of Inglewood a hosting provider for municipalities in Northern California!? Well guess what? They are! So now I'm realizing where it all went wrong. Picture this: boyz in da NOC makin’ mad cheese smokin a phat blunt of the pipe wit fly bitchez aaaalllll up in dem racks.
I call Inglewood, they tell me to call berkeley, I call berkeley they tell me "This is the city of berkeley not inglewood, if you have a dispute about a ticket with them, you need to call them".... At this point I have blood comin out my pores and am picturing a scene from Carrie. Then she further goes on to say that there is no $80 charge, only that 1 charge was made for $56 and a separate charge for $24. I'm like "Dumb Ho! Did you pass 1st grade math?!". So basically they're only showing one charge, and that my bank statement is a liar saying I have 2 charges.
So here's what I'm thinking happened. I submitted the charge once, but the busted ass logic on their webserver had a timeout set and returned an error even though the charge actually went through. Instead of marking it as possibly paid, or canceling the prior request, it did nothing, so the account reflected no payment being made. Bottom line Marc's account -$80 Server in da hood, +$80 no record of transaction. So I submit the charge again, this time it does go through, and records. Net result? Marc's account -$160, Server in da hood +$160 with a record of one transaction for 56$ and one for $24.
Now the dilemma. Since the city doesn't acknowledge or have record of the double charge, I can't get my money back from them. Great, so get the charged reversed right? Umm yea that's a problem because knowing my luck the wrong transaction will be reversed, the one that the city does have a record of me paying so to them it will look like +$80 -$80 and now since the due date is up, they'll double the fines. Sigh...... What's a crackhead to do?
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Marc @
1:00:00 PM --