Tuesday, February 10, 2004 |
Models... |
...are most definitely on the pipe. I'm watching the Italian channel (Rai Uno) just now, and there's all these hellla skinny models doing their catwalk thing... and I'm thinking to myself that this must be like some special report on anorexia in the modeling industry or som'n cuz these girls be mad skinny; but the models keep a'comin until after like 5 minutes they switch to another topic on the channel. I was floored - these were some unhealthily skinny chics, and I couldn't believe that this was a regular fashion show... we're talking serious crack-ho lookin' chix.
Which reminded me of this Korean chic I was with in college - girl was mad skinny, and the morning after I was going to the bathroom and noticed in the mirror that I had a small, but hella black & blue bruise just above my unit... chic was so skinny that the little bone at the bottom of her spine (coccyx?) was totally poking me while we were having relations. haha.. it hurt like a mofo for days too.
Anyhow, in the interest of avoiding a future g-g-groin in-ju-ry (if you get the "Cheer's" reference, then you rule, btw), from that point forth I refused to date a chic who thought that having a few pieces of lettuce was an appropriate meal for dinner - I think my fellow 'Kang hunters will agree with that particular philosophy.
So to all you wafer-thin, boney-assed crack smoking models: there is such a thing as too skinny, I promise - you stopped being fine like 10 kilos ago, and you're fuqing up a lot of perfectly lovely chics by helping extend the philosophy that skinnier is always better. Put the crackpipe down, and go eat something... anything... before your skinny ass disappears - and no barfing allowed you big cheaters.
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Travis @
12:34:00 PM --