Tuesday, March 16, 2004 |
Stupid @ss email viruses are on crack... |
It's a given fact that sooner or later, your email account will get some sorta stupid @ss virus that sends out email to the most random people... Today, I checked my Yahoo! email only to find this message in my inbox. Every other time I've gotten these undeliverable stupid emails, I just delete them. So in my haste of not filtering emails I wanted to delete, I just kept going through them one by one... and then this!
We are unable to deliver the message from 'christine@...'
to 'bipinoyguys2@yahoogroups.com'.
Your message was not delivered because it was sent to an
announcement-only group, where only the moderator may post.
A copy of your original message is attached.
If you would like to unsubscribe from this group, please
forward this message to BiPinoyGuys2-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
To contact the group moderator, send an email to
For further assistance, please visit
Now tell me, do I look like the type to freakin email (let along subscribe to!) bipinoyguys2@yahoogroups.com?!?! (TRAV, don't answer that! ha ha) CRACK I tell ya! (and no, i'm not homophobic..ha ha)
Posted by
Christine @
11:20:00 AM --