...could it have been HOW you asked me...
...or could it have been WHAT you asked me...
...maybe it's WHEN you asked me...
all i know is that YOU'RE ON FUCKIN' CRACK...
Gaalldayam - you know, he used to actually be a fine musician before the whole "King of Soul" transition took place; it's a damn shame to see what's come of him. # posted by Travis : August 14, 2004 at 10:20 PM
Holeeee sheeeit... Hahahahahaha! Sad, sad... but I can't stop laughing. # posted by Marley : August 19, 2004 at 10:25 AM
marleym0nk! Waar bent je, jongen?!? Ik gesprook met junyah, en hij gezegt dat jij in CA in Juli was! Kom je nog een naar CA rond Sept. of Okt.? I kom naar CA in laat Sept. of vroeg Okt., zo dat zou heel gezellig (cool) als je in CA bent ook! :) Anyhow, ik praten met je online later. Tot zo! # posted by Travis : August 23, 2004 at 3:16 PM