...could it have been HOW you asked me...
...or could it have been WHAT you asked me...
...maybe it's WHEN you asked me...
all i know is that YOU'RE ON FUCKIN' CRACK...
Ok any long time reader of The Crack knows that I bag on my people like the bitter yellow oreo that I am, but for once my people have pulled through and have traded asinine contrivance for genuine ingenuity. This will no doubt replace cardboard cutouts as the new paradigm for shirt folding, but until then, consider yourself part of the enlightened few:-)
Oreo! hahahaha oh man, this is a thing of beauty! I did it on my second try too! WooP # posted by Travis : October 29, 2004 at 12:13 PM
wow...that's so cool, marc!!! haha, i'mma have to try it when i get back to my place! hey, what happened to puttin them pics up on this site from that night we surprised t-dawg? well, i'm not one to talk coz i'm lagging myself on putting my pics up, too... haha. # posted by Siskee515 : October 30, 2004 at 12:27 PM